The film has a poster and trailer which helps to distribute the film widely and make the film more widely known. The main colour that dominates the film poster is black which is effective in portraying drama within the poster as it sets the tone, not only this but the dark colour informs the viewer of the genre of the film.
The close-up image of the face is the main focus of the poster, in this image we see a beautiful young woman deep in thought which may be suggestive of the events which may occur.
The bold font stands out from the black background as it is a contrasting colour which makes it easily identifiable by the size and the viewers eyes are immediately drawn to the title of the film, this suggests to the audience that the genre of the film is drama and romance.
You explain the function of the poster as a means of P & A. You analyse visual codes. Draw attention to the institutional aspects (release date, puffs, credits, classification).