The radio advert for "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" is upbeat and conveys the genre of the film. It is a musical comedy horror film. The music proves to the listener that it is a musical as parts of the advert play music without narration or dialogue. In many radio adverts for film there is dialogue however in this instance there is no dialogue and only music and narration. The screams behind the music at the start of the advert portray the horror genre. The dialogue that is usually in radio adverts is replaced with music from the musical. The narrator uses words to promote the film to the listener, the narrator say it is 'action-packed', this is portrayed by the fast upbeat music and narration that has no breaks. Finally we hear the narrator say the title of the film and the certificate and where it is being played, the fact that this is the last thing for the viewer to hear builds tension for the listener as it leaves them on edge until the end of the radio trailer.
The radio trailer for the film "Alien" is successful in creating a sense of drama through the music, narration and dialogue. The trailer starts with quiet music which is then played underneath some dialogue from the film, this gives the listener a brief insight into the film and draws them into the film. When the narration finishes there is an interjection of narration explaining the title and certificate of the film "Alien, Certificate X", this is short and snappy and provides the basic information the viewer needs to know. The music continues to build and there is further dialogue from the film, this is followed by a sudden stop which makes the viewer predict what is going to happen next, making the film trailer more personal as it gives the listener the opportunity to make up what is going to happen next. This is then followed by further narration within the film and the final catch phrase "In space... No one can hear you scream" portraying the genre of the film which is horror.
The radio trailer for "Jaws 2" is successful in portraying the genre of the film; drama and horror. The Trailer starts with the narration "the legend continues..." which is repeated numerous times throughout the trailer. The end of the phrase sees an interjection of dialogue from the main character within the film. Behind the narration and dialogue the music starts to build and gain momentum, intriguing the viewer. After the final part of the dialogue and we hear a scream, which proves to the viewer that there is an element of horror to this film, this is followed by more narration telling the viewer to "see it... before you go back in the water", this is successful in persuading the viewer to see the film, the music builds further before a sudden stop, when the music is at its loudest. This invents a sense of drama leaving the viewer or listener on edge and intrigued to find out what happens next in the movie. this is a successful technique in promoting the film and selling tickets.
This radio trailer starts within narration followed by an interjection of music and dialogue which starts together. The music is upbeat and has a patriotic ring to it, the dialogue is layered over the top and is useful in giving the listener a small insight into the film. The music is useful in building atmosphere and drama portraying the genre of the film to the listener. There is another interjection of narration which quotes the name of the film and the tag line "North Sea Hijack... When the next 12 hours could cost you £1,000 million and 600 lives, you need a man who lives second by second", this is useful in giving the listener and idea of what the film may entail. This is followed by more dialogue of the film. We then here the narrator give information on who is starting in the film, in this instance it was Roger Moore, this would help in drawing in viewers to go and see the film if they like the people who are in the film and their style of movies. We then hear where the film is being played and the certified rating. There is then a peak on the music which crescendos building drama. The trailer ends suddenly with the music stopping quickly, leaving the lister on edge, wanting to know what happens next.
Today in lesson we looked at radio trailer using the "Blackhole Review Blog" using this resource we analysed radio trailers to films and how they were structured in order to give us a basis for our own, most radio trailers had the structure of an introductory soundtrack that signals genre, followed by dialogue normally spoken by the key character, the musical soundtrack underpins the dialogue helping to build tension and drama and finally the advert is concluded with a voice over with information on the release date of the film.
Below is the script we have created for our radio trailer:
Narrator: Once upon a time...
Librarian: Shh quiet in the library
Narrator: There lived a girl who was young and looking for love
Audio from our film: "Why can't real guys be like the men in my stories?"
Narrator: When one day love found her....
Audio from our film: "I see you got my sticky notes"
Narrator: But not all is as it appears to be
Audio from our film: "I love romance stories" "Ours is a better love story though, right."
Narrator: The ultimate feel good film, a modern fairy tale. CHECKOUT. coming July 2015
This is the plan for our radio trailer.
We chose to have a narrator as this follows our theme of books. We start this as a typical story, relating to our theme of books and the library. The radio trailer help to give the listener an insight into our film and the genre, this works in promoting our film and portraying vital information to the listener. The radio trailer ends with a rhetorical question, leaving the listener on edge and wanting to know more.
Detailed analysis of 5 radio trailers for films is supplied and this thorough research leads to a sound grasp of genre codes and conventions that are then used to plan and construct a convincing original short film radio trailer. Successful aspects include an engaging opening, framed as a 'modern fairy tale' to attract the female target audience, with consistent register of speech such as 'once upon a time' and 'looking for love'. The element of surprise attracts attention with 'Sh! Quiet in the library!' which also establishes location. Trailer conventions include screening information, mix of appropriate musical & dialogue soundtrack, characters from the film. This radio trailer makes a convincing package with the poster to promote the film.